Madras High Court’s Suo Moto PIL leads to the constitution of a 17-member Heritage Commission to preserve and protect historical monuments.
Treesa Sunil | Social Thikana

The common order by Justice R. Mahadevan and Justice P.D. Audikesavulu consisted of seventy-five directions with a view to repair, maintain, preserve and protect the historical monuments including temples, idols, sculptures etc.
The directions pertained to constitution of a 17-member heritage commission so as to- identify all the structures, monuments, temples, antiques with historical/archaeological importance within the State of Tamil Nadu, formulate a list with age of such monuments by categorising them within their period group, issue appropriate notification, render periodical advices to the State, supervise the restoration, repair works etc. and maintain the same, as per the order.
The existing expert committee was directed to be reconstituted and also district level committees were to be constituted.
There were directions on temple funds, audits, land revenue, encroachments, rents, arrears etc. Strong rooms with CCTV surveillance were said to be put up and computerization of the data and objects as well. Several other directions were also given related to the staff, salaries, education etc. amongst others.
The court observed, “They are continuing legacy, which connect the present with the past and vice versa and are living symbols of unique culture; and the festivities connected there to make them vibrant and colorful. Our people are also deep rooted in heritage. However, these heritage and cultural assets are going into oblivion now-a-days. The upcoming generation does not know about the value of the same.”